Coins descripsion.
Peru - 1/2 libra - 1904
2.989,25 kr -
New Zealand - 1 dollar - 2007 - International Polar Year - 1/25oz
936,15 kr -
Jersey - 25 Pounds - 1990 - Elizabeth II - Battle of Britain - 1/4oz
6.108,56 kr
Jersey - 50 pounds - 1972 - Elizabeth II
15.055,17 kr -
Jersey - 10 pounds - 1972 - Silver Wedding
3.215,49 kr -
Jersey - 10 Pounds - 1990 - Elizabeth II - Battle of Britain - 1/10oz
2.457,56 kr
Peru - ⅕ Libra - 1926
1.419,25 kr -
Peru - ⅕ Libra - 1964
1.241,85 kr -
Peru - ⅕ Libra - 1968
1.507,96 kr